Thursday 9 October 2014

The Ring - Analysis

Analysis of film sequence – the ring (7:26)
This is my analysis of the short clip shown to us during our AS lecture, the clip is from a film names “The Ring” directed by Gore Verbinski.

When the film begins the dream work’s well known introduction animation is shown but this time it is darker and the music is not the same. The animation has an old VCR style glitch which foreshadows the use of an old cursed VCR tape used throughout the film.

Scene 0:25~ an outer shot of the house is shown, the house is apart from others meaning it is not a very densely populated area. (This can play into the fact that this is a horror film and there is a good chance nobody would hear them screaming/shouting in their home)
The house is also the only thing focused in the shot and there seems to be no other source of light around meaning this house could be more rural and apart from other people.

The front upper window of the house is lit whereas all the other windows in the house are not thus drawing our attention the room.

Scene 0:38~
The scene then changes to a bedroom where two girls are sat watching a television.
The two girls are juxtaposed against each other, not only in costume but also in apparent personality. The girl in dark clothing seems to have a skeptical and dry sense of humor whereas the girl in the light clothing seems truly frightened and
 One of the girls is wearing very dark clothing whereas the other is wearing very light clothing – this could play onto the fact that later on in the scene the character wearing the very light clothing leads on to be the lead part in the scene.

Throughout this scene the girl in the dark clothing is always shown with a low amount of lighting whereas the girl in the light clothing is always against the high amount of lighting, this could also be to create the dominant character as well as to set the tone of the two characters.

At 3:18 the girls receive a phone call, gore zooms the camera onto a clock showing exactly 10PM

At 3:50 gore uses a close up shot on the telephone whilst showing the girls faces. The girls stop in the corridor building suspense before the girl in dark clothing pushes past the fearful girl dressed in bright clothing to answer the phone. When she picks up the phone she passes the phone over slowly building more suspense, the person on the phone is her mother, and this makes the audience feel calm again.

Gore uses a shot here where he opens the fridge, when the fridge is closed the girl who was wearing dark clothing has disappeared, later the fridge opens by itself and a very similar shot is reused, this could emphasise the disappearance of the girl in dark clothing and the vulnerability of the girl in light clothing.

At 4:50 the TV comes on with static, this not only builds suspense but foreshadows the use of the television and video throughout the film and how unavoidable the outcome is.
When the girl is at the bottom of the stairs a higher camera angle is used to place her in a vulnerable position.

When she reaches the top of the stairs the camera angle is lower and brings emphasis to the water on the floor, this water shows the audience that the video tape is not fake and has real effects on the world around it.

The water also shows her reflection in the floor, this could resemble the reflection of another world in the video (this is later explained in the film).

Gore’s use of typical horror settings such as a dark suburban house with nobody evidently within audible distance builds suspense on its own and prepares the audience for the genre of film.

 The delayed use of props and pauses in acting with faint but eerie sound/ambience causes a lot of tension which is played off in comedic ways; this builds a fake sense of security to the audience keeping them unprepared for the terrors that appear later on in the scene.

Thursday 2 October 2014

Analysis of film clim 28 days later

This is my analysis of the short clip shows to us in our AS lecture, the clip is from a film named 28 days later directed by Daniel "Danny" Boyle.

As the clip begins we see the actor Cillian Murphy awaken, the camera stays on him like this for a short amount of time to bring emphasis to the fact that he is confused and/or unaware of where he is.

Danny Boyle may have had Cillian Murphy lie naked in the bed for an extended period of time to bring emphasis to the fact that he is vulnerable and exposed to the events that are about to unfold and that he has gone through some form of trauma that has left him in a position of vulnerability.

The use of the needles in his arms connected to the drip shows that he has been through trauma which has left him in need of said medicine.

The high camera angles during this early scene could also add to the effect that he is vulnerable and exposed.

At 1:57 the camera angle changes to a wide outside building shot showing the desolate surroundings which directly relates to the emotions the actor is portraying.

From 1:50 on wards the actor Cillian Murphy uses the word hello in place of is anyone there, which could symbolism his confusion with the surroundings and his expectations of other people normally being there.

When Cillian picks up the Pepsi can he opens and drinks as much as he can in one breath, this could play onto the fact that such a large amount of  time has passed that he is not only famished and parched but also unaware of the situation around him.

At 3:04 the camera changes to a very wide angle shot showing Cillian walking down a path but due to the nature of the shot he seems like a small white dot on the screen playing on the fact that he is alone in what seems to be a desolate version of a once very populated city.

When Cillian approaches the notice board covered with images of loved ones and missing people it plays onto the fact that nobody is here and is anyone even looking for them anymore?

Conclusion; The combined effects of the camera angles, the music that slowly ramps up in line Cillian's confusion and the effects of the wide shots showing extremely desolate sections of a notably populated city (London) creates a very eerie effect for the audience.

Billy Rawlins - AS Film Studies

Wednesday 1 October 2014

Becoming a writer.

Why might you need an agent and what do they do?

1.       A literary agent sends out your portfolio to different publishers to find one interested in your work, if an editor/publisher is interested they will normally reply to your agent and your agent will pass the information on to you
2.       Your agent will normally negotiate the best possible contract for you.
3.       Your agent acts as a middleman between you and the publisher, the agent will always be on your side and have your best interests at mind.
What are ‘royalty payments’?

A royalty payment is a sum of money paid to the owner of the material.

In the case of a writer the royalty payment is for when somebody uses the writers work to generate revenue or to use in work of their own that will generate revenue.

Why is time management such an important skill for a writer?

Managing time when writing is very important in every aspect of a writers life as he needs to balance his work alongside his social life.
Examples of time management in a writers life would be;
-          Knowing how much time is needed for his piece of writing and how long is left.
-          Good time management will allow him to lead a structured and balanced lifestyle while maintaining deadlines.
-          Practicing good time management will relieve stress as you will know exactly what you will be doing at what time.